This summer, Youth for Better Future Society (YBF) the popular organization among the private universities is presenting a tremendous programming contest hosted by PROGRAMMING EASY {P/E}. We hope this will help you to practice and evaluate your skills and also win exciting prize! Freshers are highly encouraged to participate!
1. This is a two stage competition.
2. Primary stage: Online, Final stage: Offline
2. Every contestant will participate individually.
3. Contestants must be an Private University student (CSE)
5. Registration fee is BDT 50/- only.
6. Deadline of registration: September 22, 2024
8. Top 30 contestants of primary stage will participate in the final stage.
7. {P/E} & (YBF) reserves the right to change any rules and regulation at any moment.
Prize Pool:
* Top three contestants will receive total of 10K Prize Money & exciting gifts!
* Top 30 contestant will receive a certificate of appreciation (hardcopy).
* Everyone else will receive an e-certificate of participation.
# All the contestants who will earn a place in the leaderboard, they will be asked to show their student ID card to verify their information. If any inconsistency/false information found, the contestant will be subtracted from the leaderboard.
1. The primary stage will be held on 25th September, 2024 at 9:30 PM.
2. The duration of the contest will be 1:00 hours.
3. There will be 5 problem-sets to solve.
4. Expected Platform of contest: HackerRank.
5. Tiebreaker: Sum of time of the first correct submissions for all the problem solved.
6. Time used for tiebreaking: Start of the contest.
7. Decision of the judges are final.
8. Contestants must manage a Computer/Laptop and a stable Internet connection.
9. Instructions for the final stage will be revealed later.
9. Follow us on Facebook to stay updated:
★ Event Link:
★ Registration form: